
Keys in DBMS

If you are interested to learn Digital marketing so kindly go to the World Stream SEO official website. What is the keys? A keys in DBMS is a field, or combination of fields, in a database table to uniquely identify a row in the table. Keys are used to retrieving and sorting rows in the table based on […]


Data Models In DBMS

What is Data Models in DBMS A Data Models in DBMS defines the logical design and structure of a database and defines how data will be stored, accessed, and updated in a database management system. Its aim is to give an idea about the final system/software predicted appearance after development. It is a simple abstraction of complex […]


Normalization in DBMS

What is Normalization in DBMS If you are interested to learn Digital marketing so kindly go to the World Stream SEO official website. Normalization in DBMS is the systematic, step-by-step process of organizing the data in the database in such a way that it minimizes the redundancy from a table or whole database. It is also […]


Entity-Relationship Model In DBMS -ERM

The basis of an entity relationship Model (ERM) which depicts the: Conceptual database as viewed by end user Database’s main components– Entities– Attributes – Relationships Chen (of Chen diagrams) described how to generally map between English sentence structures and ERD’s in this table from his ER Diagram paper: He also did the same analysis for Chinese […]


Data Independence In DBMS

What is Data Independence of DBMS? Information Independence is characterized as a property of DBMS that causes you to change the Database mapping at one degree of a database framework without requiring to change the pattern at the following more significant level. Information freedom encourages you to keep information isolated from all projects that utilize […]